Parent Resources
Parent Resource Center
At MMBDA, we recognize that a child's first and most influential teacher is you, the parent or guardian. You can help your child and the school by connecting with teachers and staff to find out what is needed to ensure success and how you can help reach that goal. Studies of successful schools report that parent involvement is a major factor in their outcomes, including closing the achievement gap between various groups of students. Improving the effectiveness of the home as a learning environment is critical to promoting long-term school success.
MMBDA's Parent Resource Center is a dedicated space at MMBDA with the purpose of providing parents with the support and information they need to be active and involved members of the MMBDA community. The Parent Resource Center offers support and assistance, a monthly newsletter, computer access, parent training workshops, and serves as an information and referral source for families and staff members. Together with the Capital Area Food Bank, the MMBDA Parent Resource Center hosts a food pantry on the second Wednesday of each month where families can pick up food items at no cost. The Parent Involvement Center is located on the first floor of the Brookland Campus in room #125 to the right of the security desk.
Parent Involvement Coordinator:
This website provides math assistance for parents based on our curriculum.
Log in to EducationCity. EducationCity includes access to standards based animated activities in Math and Reading, designed to support student engagement and achievement. Activities are geared towards students in grades Pre-K - 6. To request login info, send an email to [email protected] including students name and grade.
PowerSchool allows parents to access up-to-date student performance data, communicate with teachers track assignments and attendance, and receive automated progress reports via email daily, weekly, or monthly. To request a login for powerschool, please email [email protected] including your student's name and grade.
There are a ton of free useful learning tools available on the internet for students in all grades. Visit the link above to access tools and resources that can assist with your students development.
Workforce Development & Lifelong Learning

The Helping Your Child publication series aims to provide parents with the tools and information necessary to help their children succeed in school and life. These booklets feature practical lessons and activities to help their school aged and preschool children master reading, understand the value of homework and develop the skills and values necessary to achieve and grow.
Our area offers wonderful options for taking children on daytime adventures. Visit WETA's website for suggestions on fun and often educational places to take kids on outings.
Other important parent documents are accessible via the below links: